Due to winter storm Neptune, Sunday 2/15's games are cancelled, be safe and be warm.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Preparations for the 2010 GFHL Winter Session have begun

Hello all,

I am Looking to secure pre-season practice time for Friday and Sunday evenings from 5:30-8:00 pm as early as 01-NOV-2009 so that we can begin pick-up games prior to starting our league games in January. Once I have confirmed gym availibility I will post our pre-season practice times. As in the past these pre-season practice times are free and open to anyone 15 yrs or older who wants to see how the hockey league is run by participating in some pick-up games prior to joining the league.

Any questions please contact Kirk Kellogg

Home Phone: (860)449-8976

e-mail: kirkkellogg@hotmail.com

Connecticut (CT) Floor and Street Hockey Community Recruitment

Recreational Street and Floor Hockey

Ages: 15 to adult

Required Equipment: Sneakers, Hockey stick, Shin pads (Athletic cup and eye protection recommended)

Location: Groton, CT 06340

Get involved in our street hockey community sponsored by the Town of Groton. We support both league play and pick-up games. We can accommodate players that are new to the game as well as players that have Hockey experience. If you are interested in playing Hockey to get some exercise and have some fun then please consider getting involved in our street hockey community. We are constantly supporting and developing new talent. Once involved you will be able to participate in the activities we currently support and grow our small but dedicated community of players.

For more information please contact Kirk Kellogg.

Home Phone: 860-449-8976

e-mail: kirkkellogg@hotmail.com

Floor Hockey CT, Deck Hockey CT, Dek Hockey CT, Street Hockey CT, Floor Hockey Connecticut, Deck Hockey Connecticut, Dek Hockey Connecticut, Street Hockey Connecticut, Inline Hockey CT, Inline Hockey Connecticut, Roller Hockey CT, Roller Hockey Connecticut

Floor Hockey CT, Deck Hockey CT, Dek Hockey CT, Street Hockey CT, Floor Hockey Connecticut, Deck Hockey Connecticut, Dek Hockey Connecticut, Street Hockey Connecticut, Inline Hockey CT, Inline Hockey Connecticut, Roller Hockey CT, Roller Hockey Connecticut

Floor Hockey CT, Deck Hockey CT, Dek Hockey CT, Street Hockey CT, Floor Hockey Connecticut, Deck Hockey Connecticut, Dek Hockey Connecticut, Street Hockey Connecticut, Inline Hockey CT, Inline Hockey Connecticut, Roller Hockey CT, Roller Hockey Connecticut