Due to winter storm Neptune, Sunday 2/15's games are cancelled, be safe and be warm.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Updated start times for Sunday 3/24/13, Championship Sunday

All, due to a new program at the gym, Dodgeball, which starts at 7pm, and with us having three games vice two on 3/24/13 ONLY, the Championship weekend, we will be starting our games 1/2 hour earlier. Games will now be from 4pm-5pm, 5pm-6pm, 6pm-7pm on that Sunday only, 3/24/2013. 
Thank you,


email gtwhite389@sbcglobal.net

phone 860-326-9176

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Groton Floor Hockey UPDATED schedule!!!

All, due to the recent winter storm, NEMO, the schedule has been redone to make up the games missed on Feb 10th.  We will extend the season by 1 week, the games will be made up on March 17th, with playoffs on March 24th.

Thank you,
